Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Favorite Web Sites (An Ongoing Process!)

1. Allied Artists. A great site with links to women's history and African-American history and much, much MORE!

2. Compass Guide--a web site if you are looking for scholarships. $3 million dollars in scholarships listed here! Especially for Metro Milwaukee area students. Help with forms, for parents, and if you are the first person in yout family to attend college.

3. Share Wisconsin. When times get tough, if you need a source for inexpensive food, this is the site to go to! ANYONE can buy food here; there are no requirements! Easy to navigate.

4. Teaching Tolereance is part of a number of sites from the Souther Poverty law center. Excellent materials for schools to help them challenge bias and hate.

5. Ever wondered hown many people there are on Earth? Go here!

6. Learn which countried are the haves and have-nots.

7. Have you ever wondered about the Middle East's history? Here is a nice visual presentation about the "history of war" in that area. One wonders why this region has been so warred over by so many people! It alsmost seems as if there has never been peace there.

8. FREE BOOKS!! Even if you aren't rich, you can have much of the world's libraries at your finger tips! Project Gutenberg provide free books; you may download and print or download and read online.

9. Useful sites Milwaukee County parks and nature sites (think summer and kids!)
Milwaukee County Parks http://www.county.milwaukee.gov/ParksandPublicInfras7720.htm
Focus On Energy http://www.focusonenergy.com/
Urban Ecology Center http://www.urbanecologycenter.org/
Schlitz Audubon Center http://www.schlitzauduboncenter.com/
Keep Greater Milwaukee Beautiful http://www.kgmb.org/

10. Here is a wonderful way to help feed poor people and increase your vocabulary! I checked this out on snopes.com for validity, and this is REAL! When you go to this web site and play the vocabulary game, you earn grains of rice, which are paid for by the advertisers on this site. When there is enough rice, it is shipped to places where people are in need. I stopped at 100,000 grains of rice--that's a lot of rice indeed.

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